Give us what you got! Send tips to - Spinnerbaits usually work best during the rain around weedbeds, cover, docks, ect.
- If lightning is in sight you should stop fishing. Holding a rod isn't the smartest thing to do.
- Stick to darker lures like black, black and blue, black and purple. Bass have a harder time seeing in low
light and having a darker lure will help.
- Rain many times causes runoff, therefore causing muddy waters.
- Bass fishing on rainy days can be very productive because of the lack of light. This results in bass
swimming more often because in essence, the clouds are providing cover. - If it's a cold day and you get a "warm" rain, go to the backs of the creeks where the water is warmest.
- Fish right before a storm and majority before the majority of rain. Fishing can be explosive!
- If there is lightning and thunder, bass will spook and usually move to slightly deeper waters.
- If your fishing on a lake and the water level starts to rise rapidly, bass will move to the shallows
and you can have a real productive day of fishing.